
Oysters struggle with noisy Oceans

Baby oysters use natural ocean sounds to find their homes. However, research from the University of Adelaide shows that human noise disrupts this process. Dr....

Hens blush when they are scared or excited

Domestic chickens use flushed skin and feather fluffing to display different emotions, levels of excitement.

Not all bitter tastes are harmful

Freising, July 22, 2024 — A bitter taste is usually a warning of toxins, but not all bitter things are harmful. Some peptides and...

Dogs react to human stress by making more pessimistic choices

New research from the University of Bristol shows that dogs pick up on human stress smells, making them more pessimistic about their choices. Published...

Human impact on conservation discussions

Need for improved conservation models including human impact.

A new great ape species lived in Germany 11 million years ago

First ever report of two ancient ape species cohabiting in Miocene Europe.

Taking pictures of food could be the key to improving people’s diet

Snapping photos of our food isn't just content for our social media feeds.

The effects of exercising during pregnancy on offspring’s health

Maternal obesity in mice increases microRNA levels in the hypothalamus in offspring, leading to overeating.

Bee diversity is lower in wealthier Boulder neighborhoods

Impact of wealth and pavement on garden biodiversity.

Nematode worms learn to avoid dangerous bacteria

A bacterial molecule triggers the avoidance behavior, which persists for four generations.

The impact of microplastics on the Galápagos Islands Food Web

And excretion rate may determine whether or not these microplastics also bioaccumulate across trophic levels.

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