Study found 12,000 genetic variants that influence a person’s height

Reaching new heights in largest ever genome study.

DNA organization in human retinal cells revealed using a 3D map

This is the first detailed integration of retinal regulatory genome topology.

Scientists created synthetic living cells with lifelike functionality

Pioneering research using bacteria brings scientists a step closer to creating artificial cells.

Scientists developed the smallest flow-driven motors in the world

The results open new perspectives for engineering active robotics at the nanoscale.

Another byproduct of aging: Hypermutations in the brain

This is the first large-scale study of somatic mutations in human brains.

Ancient genomes from the herpes virus uncovered and sequenced for the first time

Prehistoric roots of ‘cold sore’ virus traced through ancient herpes DNA.

First electric nanomotor made from DNA material

Synthetic rotary motors at the nanoscale perform mechanical work.

Elephant genes could hold the key to avoiding cancers, study

New insights into molecular interactions which could help people become less prone to cancer.

DNA analysis revealed the identity of mystery fossils

DNA from the ancient population in Southern China suggests Native Americans’ East Asian roots.

Largest bacterium which is visible to the naked eye discovered

Research that challenges the prevailing view on bacterium cell size discovered Thiomargarita Magnifica - Bacterium, which is the largest, most complex, and visible to the naked eye.

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