

matter-antimatter illustration

Shedding light on two pieces of the matter-antimatter puzzle

Amit Malewar

CP violation in decays of baryons and in decays of beauty hadrons into charmonium particles.


First-ever evidence of the antimatter partner of hyperhelium-4

Amit Malewar

The finding also represents the first evidence of the heaviest antimatter hypernucleus yet at the LHC.


Antimatter research: Scientists cool Positronium to near absolute zero

Amit Malewar

Scientists slow exotic atom to make it easier to study and explore antimatter.

Antihyperhydrogen-4 created in a heavy-ion collision

Breakthrough: Heaviest antimatter hypernucleus to date

Amit Malewar

This is the heaviest antimatter hypernucleus discovered in experiments to date.

The set-up used by the AEgIS team to laser-cool positronium.

Cooling positronium with laser light for the first time

Ashwini Sakharkar

First step towards a matter-antimatter system that emits laser-like gamma-ray light.

Artwork depicting entangled molecules.

A new method to search for deviations from the Standard Model of physics

Amit Malewar

Entanglement to the rescue.

antihydrogen atoms falling out the bottom

Gravity’s effect on matter’s elusive twin is revealed

Amit Malewar

Down goes antimatter!

Artistic illustration of an Alice ring
Quantum Physics

Discovery of ‘Alice rings’ offers a glimpse into an other-worldly realm

Amit Malewar

A reality where particle physics is quite literally turned on its head.

Wideband beam monitor

World’s first direct observation of electron and positron capture process

Amit Malewar

This study opens up a new window for direct observation of the positron capture process.

Breakthrough as fusion experiment generates excess energy for the first time

True breakthrough: Fusion experiment generates excess energy for the first time

Amit Malewar

Holy Grail!

beam of matter and antimatter

An extremely long beam of matter and antimatter extending from a tiny pulsar

Amit Malewar

Tiny star unleashes Gargantuan beam of matter and antimatter.

Why there’s so little antimatter in the universe?

Why there’s so little antimatter in the universe?

Pranjal Malewar

Radioactive molecules are sensitive to subtle nuclear phenomena and might help physicists probe the violation of the most fundamental symmetries of nature.

tiny mass difference between the D1 and D2 mesons

LHCb measured a tiny mass difference between two particles

Amit Malewar

The result is a milestone in studying how a particle known as a D0 meson changes from matter into antimatter and back.

Trapped anti-atoms being cooled

CERN scientists demonstrated laser cooling of antihydrogen atoms for the first time

Amit Malewar

The groundbreaking achievement produces colder antimatter than ever before.

The long-Standing mystery of matter and antimatter solved

The long-Standing mystery of matter and antimatter solved

Pranjal Malewar

Scientists at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) have discovered an element that could hold the key to the long-standing mystery around...

Why there is much more matter than antimatter in our Universe?

Why there is much more matter than antimatter in our Universe?

Amit Malewar

According to the Standard Model, matter and antimatter should have been created in equal quantities at the time of the Big Bang—yet our Universe...

Detection pattern for an electron neutrino

Neutrinos explain how the universe exists

Amit Malewar

A new study offers evidence that neutrinos are responsible for the universe is dominated by matter. Why matter persists over antimatter? This is a question that...

Researchers work on the cryostat for the CUORE experiment. (Credit: CUORE Collaboration)

How the matter was created in the universe?

Amit Malewar

Standard double-beta decay is a proven particle process. Two neutrons, which are uncharged particles in the nucleus of an atom, transform into two protons...


Could the profound mysteries of antimatter and dark matter be linked?

Amit Malewar

Study presents a direct search for interactions of antimatter with dark matter.

Higgs Troika may have been responsible for disappearance of antimatter

Higgs Troika may have been responsible for disappearance of antimatter

Amit Malewar

The theory could explain why there is so much more matter in the universe than antimatter.

Antimatter is both a particle and a wave

Antimatter is both a particle and a wave

Amit Malewar

Interference of matter waves is at the heart of quantum physics and has been observed for a wide range of particles from electrons to...

A CP-symmetry transformation swaps a particle with the mirror image of its antiparticle. The LHCb collaboration has observed a breakdown of this symmetry in the decays of the D0 meson (illustrated by the big sphere on the right) and its antimatter counterpart, the anti-D0 (big sphere on the left), into other particles (smaller spheres). The extent of the breakdown was deduced from the difference in the number of decays in each case (vertical bars, for illustration only) . Credit: CERN

Why matter is so widespread in the universe

Amit Malewar

Physicists in the College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University have confirmed that there is a markedly different decaying process between matter and...

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