TOPICS2D materials

2D materials

New method enables the synthesis of several new 2D materials

A new world of 2D material is opening up.

How do 2D materials expand when heated?

A new technique that accurately measures how atom-thin materials expand when heated.

Researchers develop a new library of atomically thin 2D materials

Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have created a whole new library of atomically thin, two-dimensional (2D) materials using a novel and...

New discovery paves way for silicon of the future

Just imagine taking two extremely ultra-thin materials with different properties and placing one on top of the other, and obtaining a new material with...

When semiconductors stick together, materials go quantum

Two-dimensional (2D) materials, which are only one atom thick, resemble nanosized building blocks that can be stacked arbitrarily to frame little gadgets. At the...

A treasure trove for nanotechnology experts

Researchers from EPFL's Theory and Simulation of Materials Laboratory (THEOS) and from NCCR-MARVEL for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials have been recognizing...

New Quantum Probe Lets Us See Electron Flow

Electronics Miniaturization becoming very popular for making small devices. Through this, electronic devices are getting so much stronger that they are surpassing Moore's law. Moore's...

Photonic hypercrystals highly improve light emission in 2D materials

Scientists have developed a method to get an order of magnitude improvement of light emission in 2D materials. The method is known as photonic...

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