Color effects from transparent 3D-printed nanostructures

The greater part of the articles we see are shaded by colors, yet utilizing shades has drawbacks: such colors can fade, modern colors are...

New GAZELLE system that provide security to cloud-based machine learning

MIT scientists have recently developed a novel system that offers security to online neural networks. Scientists dubbed this system as GAZELLE, that blends two conventional...

Hubble paints picture of the evolving universe

Ultraviolet light has been the missing piece to the cosmic puzzle. Presently, combined with infrared and noticeable light information from Hubble and other space...

Hugely exciting: Oldest galaxies in the universe found

The group from the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has discovered proof that the faintest satellite...

Scientists detected iron and titanium in the atmosphere of a ultra hot exoplanet

For the first time, scientists at the University of Geneva in collaboration with the University of Bern (UNIBE), Switzerland, have discovered the presence of iron...

Scientists finally found the secrets of deadly Nipah virus

A recent outbreak in India of Nipah virus encephalitis, an often-lethal viral disease with no cure, has set off international alarms over the virus's...

Scientist claimed to obtain superconductivity at ambient temperature

A material is said to show superconductivity when it can convey electric current with essentially zero obstruction. So not at all like the ordinarily...

ShareBackup: New circuit-switching tech to help data centers recover from failures

Rice computer scientist Eugene Ng and his colleagues have introduced a new tool dubbed ShareBackup that will allow shared backup switches in data centers...

Study reveals clue to centuries-old glass mystery

In a new study, Yale scientists have finally found the answer to a centuries-old mystery of how glasses transition into very resilient states. Precisely what...

New method that allows a blind to see again

Scientists financed by the National Eye Institute (NEI) have switched congenital visual blindness in mice by changing supportive cells in the retina called Müller...

Scientists captured Sprawling galaxy cluster hiding in plain sight

Scientists at the MIT have captured a sprawling new galaxy cluster hiding in plain sight. They found that the cluster which is mere 2.4 billion light-years...

Scientists developed a new drug to effectively treat liver cancer

A research team led by scientists from the Cancer Institute of Singapore (CSI Singapore) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) has developed a...