Blood test measures plasma ceramides to predict risk for heart disease


Blood tests are often used test problems in the body. There are various types of a blood test for various diseases. Similarly, a new type of blood test shows adverse cardiovascular events in patients with progressing coronary artery disease (CAD). The test launch by Mayo Clinic measures plasma ceramide blood’s concentration. Although, plasma ceramide is a class of lipids that are highly linked to cardiovascular disease processes.

The new test will help clinicians to detect risky individuals. It will test via the risk calculator from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association.

According to physicians, “The test is very useful for patients with CAD when it does not improve with treatment or for young patients with premature CAD.”

Jeff Meeusen said, “We hope this new blood test will improve the evaluation of individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease through collaboration with Zora Biosciences. This test is for patients with highly specialized cases. For example, patients with progressing coronary artery disease despite treatment and control of their risk factors, or for younger individuals with premature CAD.” (Jeff Meeusen is co-director of Cardiovascular Laboratory Medicine at Mayo Clinic.)

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Allan Jaffe, Cardiologist at Mayo Clinic and chair of the Division of Clinical Core Laboratory Services said, “Plasma ceramides are promising biomarkers for the prediction of adverse CV events in either primary and/or secondary prevention. The studies to date suggest that the signals observed presage events within the next five-year period. Risk confer by plasma ceramides appears independent of other established and novel biomarkers. There is also preliminary indications that high ceramide concentrations can be modified by common lipid-lowering therapies.”
