University of Utah

University of Utah

Understanding the brain’s creativity origins

Electrophysiological dynamics of the default mode network and its role in creative thinking.

Why can zebrafish heal heart damage, unlike other fish?

Single-cell profiling identifies unique aspects of regenerating hearts.

New dinosaur species with big, blade-like horns discovered in Montana

Ancient marvel Lokiceratops' ornate horns point to evolutionary insights.

Geologic record reveals how the oceans were oxygenated

Emerging data suggest that the initial rise of O2 in Earth's atmosphere was dynamic.

A novel type of battery gathers and stores electricity in remote settings

It harness changes in ambient temperature to self-charge,

The second highest-energy cosmic ray ever detected

The particles are so high energy, they shouldn’t be affected by galactic and extra-galactic magnetic fields.

Potential endometrial cancer treatments from estrogen receptor study

Endometrial cancer & gene regulation: insights from Estrogen receptor alpha mutations.

‘Planet within a planet’ revealed by research into Earth’s deep core

Seismologists probe Earth’s inner core.

Astronomers discovered a black hole unlike any other

Extraordinary black hole found in a neighboring galaxy.

A new type of nerve cell discovered in the retina

The newly identified Campana cell could play a role in visual signal processing.

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