HomeUniversity of Innsbruck

University of Innsbruck

Simulation of quantum vortices superimposed with experimental data.
Quantum Physics

A missing hallmark of superfluidity demonstrated

Amit Malewar

Quan­tum vor­tices con­firm super­flu­id­ity in super­solid.

A nanoscale-sized glass bead
Quantum Physics

Pioneering experiment: Observ­ing macro­scopic quan­tum effects in the dark

Amit Malewar

Be fast, avoid light, and roll through a curvy ramp.

Thunder storm lightning strike on the dark cloudy sky background at night.

How has lightning been evolving over the past decades?

Vidya Nagalwade

Light­ning activ­ity dou­bled in a few decades.

trap fermionic atoms
Quantum Physics

Sci­en­tists develop fermionic quan­tum pro­ces­sor

Amit Malewar

A new type of quantum computer that uses fermionic atoms to simulate complex physical systems.

quantum liquid

Quan­tum liq­uid becomes solid when heated

Amit Malewar

The scientists obtained a first phase diagram for a supersolid at finite temperature.

Molecules caught tun­nel­ing

For the first time, quantum mechanical tunneling reaction observed in experiments

Amit Malewar

Quan­tum Chem­istry: Molecules caught tun­nel­ing.

dipolar Bose-Einstein-Condensate
Quantum Physics

A new method to observe vortices in dipolar quantum gases

Amit Malewar

Ultra-cold mini twisters.

The atoms are polarized

Scientists measured the binding state of light and matter for the first time

Pranjal Malewar

A molecule of light and matter.

Innsbruck quantum computer
Quantum Computing

A quantum computer that can perform arbitrary calculations with qudits

Ashwini Sakharkar

Quan­tum com­puter works with more than zero and one.

gate operations on logical quantum bits
Quantum Computing

Error-free quan­tum com­put­ing gets real

Amit Malewar

Fundamental quantum operation realized.

2D supersolid

Study shows how to cool an atomic gas into a supersolid

Amit Malewar

Super­solids go cir­cu­lar 2D.

Image showing representation of galactic nebula

A new class of galactic nebulae identified

Amit Malewar

Discovery thanks to amateur astronomers.

Physicists introduced the notion of the quantum magic square

Physicists introduced the notion of the quantum magic square

Amit Malewar

They cannot be as easily characterized as their 'classical' cousins.

The structure of an enzyme that plays a key role in inflammatory processes, with which at the University of Innsbruck identify binding pocket for vitamin E metabolites (top left). (Credit: Veronika Temml)

Effects of Vitamin E more diverse than thought

Pranjal Malewar

At the University of Innsbruck, a pharmacy team has been inquiring about normal items for their anti-inflammatory impacts for quite a while. The investigations...

Image: The formation of clouds is the focus of research by Prof. Armin Hansel

How clouds are formed even at low temperatures?

Pranjal Malewar

There are small aerosol particles floating in the air constantly. Though, the particles are not visible to the naked eye and perform a significant role...

he researchers simulated the energy bonds of molecular hydrogen and lithium hydride. (Credit: IQOQI Innsbruck/Harald Ritsch)

Quantum computer simulation of chemical bonds

Amit Malewar

Quantum chemistry endeavors to comprehend the complicated bonds and reactions of molecules with the assistance of quantum mechanics. Numerous subtle elements of a chemical...

Image: In a specially constructed experiment, the researchers can observe the exchange reaction in detail, almost like in a film. (Credit: Royal Society of Chemistry)

Binding break: join in or not?

Pranjal Malewar

Nucleophilic substitution is a commonly used reaction in organic chemistry. It assumes an imperative part in the synthesis of new compounds or biomolecules in solution...

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Social Science

Neolithic people sacrificed unique ‘suns stones’ due to a volcanic eruption


Astronomers solve Sulfur mystery with Ammonium Hydrosulfide salt


A copper catalyst can efficiently convert carbon dioxide into acetaldehyde
