University of Exeter

A house in England identified as a lost site from Bayeux Tapestry
Archaeologists believe they have located a power centre belonging to Harold Godwinson.

Antibiotics and vaccines may reduce dementia risk
We urgently need new treatments to slow the progress of dementia, if not to prevent it.
Oyster reefs destroyed over a century ago, new research shows
Research from the University of Exeter and the University of Edinburgh reveals that extensive oyster reefs once thrived along Europe's coastlines but were largely...
‘Invisible forest’ of algae is thriving in our warming ocean
The study highlights the limitations of satellite observations.
‘Marine identity’ can help society’s relationship with the ocean
People's deep connection with the ocean.
Ozone pollution reduces new yearly growth in tropical forests
This leaves an estimated 290 million tonnes of carbon uncaptured each year.
Non-professional athletes show better brain health post-concussion
New research from the University of Exeter shows that the impact of concussions in sports differs for non-professional players.
Cities in the Global South lack cooling green spaces
The study found that Global South cities have just 70% of the "cooling capacity."
Learning difficulty gene directly affects memory, study finds
Reduced function of the gene in the brain results in loss of learning ability and memory.
An increase in sedentary time from childhood causes progressing heart enlargement
Childhood sedentariness linked to premature heart damage.
Playing an instrument improves brain health in older age
Analyzing cognitive development in UK aging cohort via musical instruments.
Study identifies a wide range of risk factors for young-onset dementia
The groundwork for new prevention strategies.
Genetic testing and unnecessary breast surgery in women
Family history's impact on hereditary cancer in the population.
New Antarctic extremes are ‘virtually certain’ as the world warms
Antarctic change has global implications.
Immune systems develop silver bullet defenses against bacteria
Immune systems produce genes to combat common bacteria in food.
Butterflies and moths share a common ancestor
Deep chromosomal conservation in butterflies and moths.
Amazon river dolphins are under threat from fishing, dams, and dredging
Scientists used satellite tags to track eight dolphins in the Peruvian Amazon.
Illusions are in the eye, not the mind- study
Numerous visual illusions are caused by limits in the way our eyes and visual neurones work.
Why sexually harassed individuals might not report the incident immediately or at all?
Seeking justice by coming forward is just one of the needs.
Microbes that co-operate, contribute more carbon emissions
Communities of microbes that work together release more carbon dioxide.
Giant arthropods dominated the seas 470 million years ago
Taichoute opens new avenues for paleontological and ecological research.
Previously unexplored genomic control regions hold the key to identifying the causes of rare disease
Scientists have discovered the cause of a rare condition within a part of the genome.
One in 500 men carries an extra sex chromosome, study
This puts them at higher risk of several common diseases.
Biologists discovered new information about the tiny propellers on earth
Exeter biologists investigate smallest propeller on earth.
Poor sleep is linked to feeling older and worse outlook on aging
Poor sleep in the over 50s is linked to more negative perceptions of ageing.
What caused an extreme global warming event that lasted for around 150 thousand years?
Tipping points in Earth’s system triggered rapid climate change 55 million years ago.
Study offers new evidence of menopause in killer whales
Menopause in killer whales- raising fascinating questions about how and why it evolved.
COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7 associated with a significantly higher mortality rate
The study compared death rates among people infected with the new variant and those infected with other strains.
Attitude of Gratitude keeps older people helpful
Older people in Japan have an “attitude of gratitude” which keeps them feeling hopeful despite the challenges of aging.