University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge

Next-gen biosensor uncovers gibberellin’s critical role in legume nitrogen-fixation

It paves the way for more productive legume crops and self-fertilizing cereals.

Stretchy, self-healing ‘jelly batteries’ to power wearables, brain implants

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have created soft, stretchable 'jelly batteries' that could have various applications such as powering wearable devices and soft...

AI Outperforms Clinical Tests in Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease

Robust, interpretable AI marker aids early dementia prediction in clinical settings.

AI detects drug-resistant typhoid in hours from microscopy images

Inferring ciprofloxacin susceptibility in salmonella with AI and imaging.

Scientists trace the evolution of deadly bacteria into epidemics

Evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for specific hosts.

Oxytocin may treat obesity and postnatal depression

Obesity and postpartum depression are linked to loss of TRPC5.

Genomic test enhances pediatric cancer care

Routine whole genome sequencing benefits children with suspected cancer.

Biggest genetic study on girls’ puberty age links it to weight gain

Studying genetic complexity in puberty timing.

AI reveals Antarctic ice shelves hold twice meltwater than thought

Researchers used artificial intelligence techniques to map slush on Antarctic ice shelves.

Australian lizards protect sheep from predators

Role of heath goannas in carcass removal and blowfly control.

World’s first process for making zero-emissions cement

The cement recycling method could help solve one of the world's biggest climate challenges.

Charged charcoal ‘sponge’ can soak up CO2 directly from the air

Sponge-like materials to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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