Theater Brings People Together in Positive Way


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Theaters are around us from centuries. Many people describe it as something magical and truly an extraordinary experience. People watch the performance with groups of family members and friends. The theater not only gets you to the same place, but it allows you to share the experience of that particular show with one another. By this way, the theater brings people together.

Even an assistant professor of theater, Charlotte Brathwaite thinks that theater and STEM fields have mostly same characteristics.

Brathwaite said, “In theater, as in the STEM disciplines, we imagine the impossible and try to make that possible. We not only imagine but create the world as we think the world should be.

According to her, the theater can address major societal issues. For example, from street violence, climate change. Most of the people discuss their thoughts in the theater. And as democracy says, everyone has right to tell their perspectives.

During the study, Brathwaite teaches many students who were passionate outside the arts and still, theater remains essential discipline for them.

Through this study, scientists wanted to serve humanity. The focus on human needs, human interaction enlarges what those are.

Institute Professor Marcus Thompson said, “That’s one of the really important things about doing theater at MIT. At the end of whatever research and experiments our students do, there is a human being.

Although, the arts provide a powerful way for our students to grow in knowledge and understanding of the human condition.

During the classes, Brathwaite taught students- ‘Introduction to acting’. She teaches students to “exercise their creative muscles” and share their ideas.  Such skills are essential for career guidance.

She said, “At some instant, you need to stand in front of people and explain what you actually want to do. So, this is really important to be able to stand with confidence behind your own ideas.”

Currently, Brathwaite is busy in other projects too. Recently, she has done with directing Meshell Ndegochello’s “Can I Get a Witness”. This is multidisciplinary theatrical work inspired by the work of James Baldwin.

It’s a unique time to be a black director while searching for ways to articulate response to today’s culture of violence. I am hugely inspired by James Baldwin’s message of universal love. “Baldwin says, ‘If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you do not see.“,” she added.

The theater brings people together — in a way that makes a difference in the world. In our struggles, all of us have more things in common than not. I think we’re more connected than we realize.”

