
Soil bacteria breathe out more CO2

CO2 release in bacterial metabolism.

Unlocking the secrets: Barley plants and soil microbes

The custom community of beneficial microbes improve the plants’ growth.

Nanomedicine and digital twin tech tackle food insecurity and climate change

How medical models can transform agriculture?

Scientists discovered how the river Nile evolved over the past 11,500 years

Crucial shift in River Nile’s evolution during ancient Egypt discovered.

Study explains how soil traps carbon

New findings explain how soil sequesters plant-based carbon from the atmosphere.

A plant gene required for root hair growth found in grasses

Plant cell types: Unlocking the mystery of root hair development.

How capturing carbon in savannas can reduce global warming?

Grasses play an important role in capturing carbon in tropical savannas.

Childhood stunting is linked with low zinc levels in soil

Growing solutions to childhood stunting.

Arctic soil methane consumption increases in a drier climate

Well-drained soils remove methane from the atmosphere.

The fungus breaks down harmful food toxin

Isolating and characterizing filamentous fungi with patulin-degrading abilities.

New antibiotic targets drug-resistant bacteria

New antibiotic targets immutable bacterial structure.

How do wildfires cause mudslides and floods?

What happens to a landscape after a wildfire?

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