

Neutron-star mergers: Shedding light on Quark matter mysteries

Determining the bulk viscosity based on string theory and perturbative QCD.

A new gamma-ray method for monitoring nuclear reactors non-invasively

The new method can improve nuclear safety and treaty compliance.

A new method to characterize the properties of one of the four fundamental forces of nature

New Beta-Decay measurements in mirror nuclei pin down the weak nuclear force.

Neutrons can bind to quantum dots, study

MIT scientists discovered “neutronic” molecules.

New technique to improve nuclear waste treatment facilities

Measuring neutrons in nuclear waste could pave the way for safer nuclear waste treatment.

Massive neutron stars hiding cores of deconfined quark matter

The result was reached through massive supercomputer runs utilizing Bayesian statistical inference.

Ancient stars were able to produce heavy-mass elements

How heavy can an element be?

A never-before-seen form of Oxygen observed for the first time

Physicists observe Oxygen-28 for the first time.

A non-toxic and sustainable cleaning agent for painting

New cleaning agent for artworks investigated with neutrons at the FRM II.

New camera with a shutter speed of 1 trillionth of a second

Researchers could now understand how materials move heat.

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