TOPICSMass extinction

Mass extinction

Ancient large kangaroo mainly used four legs to move

This 'giant wallaby' was a poor hopper.

Human hunting played a decisive role in the extinction of large mammals

Humans were responsible for the extinction of large mammals.

Scientists built the most extensive and most detailed bird family tree to date

Computational tools fuel reconstruction of new and improved bird family tree.

Dinosaurs’ range of locomotion made them incredibly adaptable; study

Dinosaurs’ success helped by specialized stance and gait.

Exploring shell life species after Earth’s largest extinction

Shell life species not competitors as they adjusted to Earth’s largest extinction.

Biodiversity loss caused ecological collapse after the “Great Dying”

Biodiversity loss could lead to ecological collapse.

Patterns of mass extinction coincided with rapid decrease in marine oxygen levels

This evidence has important implications for modern deoxygenation and biodiversity declines.

Evolution of tree roots may have driven mass extinctions

Geologists find link between ancient, global-scale extinction events and modern threats to Earth’s oceans.

Dinosaurs killing impact triggered a “mega-earthquake” that lasted weeks to months

The amount of energy released in this "mega-earthquake" is estimated at 1023 joules

Most mass extinctions occurred after mega-eruptions

The impact of repeated eruptions over millennia.

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