

Earth's lower mantle

Are there lost worlds in earth’s interior?

Amit Malewar

This indicates the presence of zones of rocks that are colder.

mountaintop collapsed into the sea and triggered a mega-tsunami

A mountaintop collapsed into the sea and triggered a mega-tsunami

Pranjal Malewar

Greenland landslide caused nine-day earthquake.

earth core and section layers

Mysterious doughnut-like structure found deep within Earth’s core

Amit Malewar

Deepens understanding of planet's magnetic field.

fiber optic future cable technology on dark background.

Fiber-optic cables as earthquake sensors

Amit Malewar

Early warning systems at low cost.

California Supervolcano is Cooling Off but May Still Cause Quakes

Most detailed underground images to date of the Long Valley Caldera

Pranjal Malewar

California supervolcano is cooling off but may still cause quakes.

light from behind the space body

Fast radio bursts from distant neutron stars

Amit Malewar

“Starquakes” could explain mystery signals.

fissures and pores running through rocks

Sounds of Earth’s crust

Amit Malewar

MIT scientists find the sounds beneath our feet are fingerprints of rock stability.

Image shwoing Earth's core

‘Planet within a planet’ revealed by research into Earth’s deep core

Pranjal Malewar

Seismologists probe Earth’s inner core.

Image showing earthquake

New research solves the mystery of “earthquakes” or “tremors” cause

Vidya Nagalwade

The process of extracting oil causes tremors.

Image showing View from space of Pozzuoli and Campi Flegrei.

The Campi Flegrei volcano’s crust is weakening

Vidya Nagalwade

The Campi Flegrei volcano in southern Italy is weakening and potentially erupting.

Image showing earthquake scenarios.

Artificial Intelligence can be used to create a tsunami early warning system

Vidya Nagalwade

Early warnings for tsunamis are difficult due to underwater earthquakes.

Image showing Optical fiber cable.

Optical fiber communication cables can warn against earthquakes

Vidya Nagalwade

Optical Fibers Can Provide Early Warning for Earthquakes.

Image showing A view of the Peace River in northern.

Wastewater disposal from oil production caused the most powerful earthquake in Canada

Vidya Nagalwade

Wastewater injection caused a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Alberta.

Iron-rich Fe–O compounds at Earth’s core pressures

Earth’s inner core may be enriched with oxygen

Pranjal Malewar

Understanding of the formation process and evolution history of the Earth's core.

Chicxulub impact

Dinosaurs killing impact triggered a “mega-earthquake” that lasted weeks to months

Amit Malewar

The amount of energy released in this "mega-earthquake" is estimated at 1023 joules

Image showing sand granules

Shape of sand grains influences the liquefaction of sand

Amit Malewar

There is a strong correlation between the two.

blue path illustrates a core-penetrating seismic wave

Seismic wave data revealed changes in the Earth’s outer core

Pranjal Malewar

Scientists have never directly observed convective flows or how they may be changing.

The blue path illustrates a core-penetrating seismic wave moving through a region in the outer core, where the seismic speed has increased because a low-density flow has moved into the region.

Understanding changes in Earth’s outer core with the help of seismic waves

Editorial Team

The composition of the bulk, the outer core of the Earth, is not pure iron but has a density deficit of about 5–10%, indicating...

New tectonic plate model

How the Earth’s continents were assembled?

Amit Malewar

Updating our understanding of Earth’s architecture.

Creative destruction: a thinner ocean plate sides under a continental plate, melting and recycling the ocean crust into the Earth’s interior and birthing volcanoes in this illustration of subduction, a consequence of modern plate tectonics. A new study reports evidence of a transition in multiple locations around the world, 3.8-3.6 billion years ago, from stable “protocrust” to pressures and processes that look a lot like modern subduction, suggesting a time when plates first got moving. Credit: Nikolas Midttun, CC-BY

3.8-Billion-year-old crystal to point earliest geochemical evidence of plate tectonics

Editorial Team

Crystal to point an early start for the active global process that shapes Earth's surface and climate

Pacific Ring of Fire

Simulating common processes of formation of new subduction zones

Amit Malewar

How do these subduction zones originate, and how do they evolve over time?

Science in lofty heights Samuel Weber installs a seismometer and a solar panel on the summit of the Matterhorn.

Vibrating Mountains

Amit Malewar

Simulation approach works for a large mountain.

On September 29, 2009, a tsunami caused substantial damage and loss of life in American Samoa, Samoa, and Tonga. The tsunami was generated by a large earthquake in the Southern Pacific Ocean. Credit: NOAA

Tsunami size varies with depth of Earthquake

Amit Malewar

Earthquake depth impacts potential tsunami threat.

Rebecca Harrington is an expert in analysing induced earthquakes.

Researchers discovered a new type of earthquake

Pranjal Malewar

They are slower and last longer.

NASA's InSight mission to Mars

Mars interior revealed for the first time

Amit Malewar

The results point to a cool, more sluggish early mantle.

Cer­berus Fos­sae

Two sizable quakes detected on Mars

Amit Malewar

The quakes add weight to the idea that the location is a center of seismic activity.

How earthquake triggers volcanic eruptions?

How earthquake triggers volcanic eruptions?

Pranjal Malewar

Scientists reviewed current knowledge, and introduce a novel framework to help characterize earthquake-triggering processes.

Stages of growth and coalescence of a new global fracture network

How Earth’s outer shell first broke into tectonic plates?

Amit Malewar

The answer lies in the consideration of major heat-loss mechanisms

Quill, on the island of Statia. One of the islands in the Lesser Antilles.

How water in the deep Earth triggers earthquakes and tsunamis?

Amit Malewar

Oceanic lithosphere carries volatiles, notably water, into the mantle through subduction at convergent plate boundaries. This subducted water exercises control on the production of...

New research unveiled structures deep inside the Earth

New research unveiled structures deep inside the Earth

Pranjal Malewar

Most of what we know about the interior of the Earth comes from the study of seismic waves from earthquakes. These waves contain vital...

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