TOPICSCarbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide

Doubling CO2 causes up to 14-degree increase in temperature on Earth

CO2 puts a heavier stamp on temperature than thought.

Predicting future climate with help from ice age data

Ice age climate analysis reduces worst-case warming expected from rising CO2.

Soil bacteria breathe out more CO2

CO2 release in bacterial metabolism.

Webb finds an abundance of carbon molecules surrounding a star

The results reveal the largest number of carbon-containing molecules seen to date in such a disk.

The Discovery of CO2 and CO Ices in the Outer Solar System

Researchers Discover Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide Ices on Trans-Neptunian Objects The Discovery of CO2 and CO Ices in the Outer Solar System

The fastest rate of natural CO2 rise over the last 50,000 years

A detailed chemical analysis of ancient Antarctic ice.

How do humans impact Earth’s deep subsurface?

The current fluid movement rates induced by human activities are higher.

Indoor air quality standards should be introduced around the globe

Mandating indoor air quality for public buildings

New research converts waste carbon dioxide into carbon-free fuel

Greenhouse gas transformed in aid of carbon-free future.

What caused an extreme ice-age climate in Earth’s history?

What made Earth a giant snowball 700m years ago?

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