
New immunotherapy offers hope for autoimmune skin disorders

Molecular networks diverge to program distinct functions in CD8+ skin-resident memory T cells.

UCLA unravels aggressive growth in prostate cancers, eluding treatment

Temporal evolution reveals dual lineages in prostate cancer transformation.

Cost-effective prostate cancer focal therapy benefits

Study analyzes the cost-effectiveness of focal therapy, radical prostatectomy, and radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

Eating more ultra-processed foods may be linked to higher risk of some cancers

Study finds processed foods, obesity, and cancer link in European research.

Testing a breakthrough material for dry mouth conditions

Comparing a new hydrogel lubricant with commercial saliva substitutes.

Potent anti-leukemia approach: Making immunotherapy safe for AML

Eliminating the leukemia, sparing healthy cells.

Ultra-accurate virus detection in 3 minutes via lab-on-a-chip genomics

Swift virus genetic detection with loCKAmp lab-on-PCB tech in <3 Minutes.

Machines efficiently generate cells for cancer treatment

Centrifugal bioreactor speeds up CD8 T cell expansion for cancer immunotherapy.

Your tongue reflects your health

Review of a computer-based system for diagnosing diseases by analyzing tongue color.

Can cannabis medicines ease oral cancer pain?

UCLA dentistry team gets $5 million for non-addictive synthetic cannabinoid.

Racial discrimination’s impact on care for black cancer survivors

Black cancer patients dealing with racial discrimination in healthcare.

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