
Your brain is actively surveying fat, study

Scientists eavesdrop on the communication between fat and the brain.

Scientists found an enzyme in the brain that is a significant regulator of body weight

This enzyme in the brain is a ‘metastat’ for body weight.

Revealing hidden nanostructures in cells and tissues through a novel way

Separating densely packed molecules before imaging makes them visible for the first time.

Boosting neuron production restores memory in mice with Alzheimer’s

Boosting neuron production could be a viable strategy for treating AD patients.

What makes the human brain different?

And what makes us human may also makes us susceptible to neuropsychiatric diseases.

Synthetic mouse embryos grown from stem cells have a brain and beating hearts

A "holy grail" in the development of synthetic embryos.

Aging neutralizes sex differences in the brain

The changes are larger in males than in females.

Scientists image brain drainage in mice and humans

The Brain’s drainage system in 3 dimensions.

A novel insight into the relationship between certain types of neural connections and consciousness

New study identifies network cores of the brain with strong bidirectional connections.

Another byproduct of aging: Hypermutations in the brain

This is the first large-scale study of somatic mutations in human brains.

Study found link between Periodontitis and Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a neuropathological disorder causing memory loss and cognitive impairment hence degeneration of brain tissue due to inflammation and other risk factors....

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