
Prostate cancer blood test works equally well for all ethnicities

The Stockholm3 blood test, created by Karolinska Institutet researchers, is equally effective at detecting prostate cancer in all ethnic groups, as reported in The...

Children’s environment impacts blood metabolites

Environmental exposures and unhealthy habits can harm children's heart and metabolic health more than individually. A new University of Eastern Finland study highlights the...

Rare muscle diseases created by lab-grown muscles

Engineered human muscle model shows calcium's role in dysferlinopathy.

Treating Parkinson’s by targeting the gut-brain axis with B vitamins

Gut microbiota study in Parkinson's using shotgun sequencing.

Discovery of TB blood test for detection of many silent spreaders

Integrated plasma proteomics reveals biomarkers for tuberculosis diagnosis.

Children in households with firearms have higher lead levels

Child lead levels in the U.S. tied to firearm exposure (2012-2018).

Research identifies the body’s reaction to seven days fasting

Adaptive proteomic changes in humans during 7-day caloric restriction.

Crucial blood stem cell creation step uncovered by ISU researchers

NF-kB activation by Nod1 initiates hematopoietic stem cell specification.

Chip detects lung cancer treatment efficacy from blood draw

Circulating tumor cells predict progression in stage III NSCLC patients.

Healing hearts with skin cancer genes

Time-dependent BRAF-V600E effects in engineered myocardium.

Bioengineered material to rapidly stop bleeding in patients on blood thinners

A next-generation hemostat that effectively stops bleeding.

6 in 10 children under five have micronutrient deficiencies

Maternal factors played a crucial role in the nutritional status of the children.

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