This plaque identifying toothpaste could prevent a heart attack or stroke

The first toothpaste that identifies plaque.


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There is an association between oral health and inflammatory diseases affecting the entire body — in particular, heart attacks and strokes.

In collaboration with Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, scientists from the Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine explored whether a toothpaste called Plaque HD® reduces hs-CRP.

The outcomes of the study showed that Plaque HD® produced a statistically significant reduction in hs-CRP among those with elevations at baseline. It is the first toothpaste that identifies plaque so that it can be removed with directed brushing. Also, the product’s proprietary formulation contains unique combinations and concentrations of cleaning agents that weaken the core of the plaque structure to help the subject visualize and more effectively remove the plaque.

Charles H. Hennekens, M.D., Dr.P.H., senior author, first Sir Richard Doll Professor, and senior academic advisor in FAU’s Schmidt College of Medicine, said, “The current findings are similar to those from our previous pilot trial. Whether this plaque-identifying toothpaste decreases heart attacks or strokes requires a large-scale randomized trial of sufficient size and duration. These results provide a stronger rationale to conduct such trials. If positive, the results of these trials would have significant potential clinical and public health implications.”

Given these discoveries, Hennekens and colleagues at FAU and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health are drafting a specialist-initiated research grant proposal to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Their proposed randomized preliminary will test whether Plaque HD® lessens the movement of atherosclerosis in the coronary and carotid supply routes, for which systemic inflammation is a significant precursor.

A report from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 47.2 percent of American adults aged 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease, a pathological inflammatory condition of the gums and tissues surrounding the teeth.

