New WiFi System- 100 Times Faster, and Never Overloaded

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Nowadays, people find Wi-Fi more important than anything else. But, its irritating if it’s with low-speed. So, to challenge this issue, researchers from at the Eindhoven University of Technology came up with a new solution. They have developed wireless network -i.e., new WiFi system based on harmless infrared rays.

This newly developed WiFi system is simple and inexpensive to set up. In addition, it is maintenance-free and needs no power. It has the huge capacity so there’s no need to share since every device gets its own ray of light. Each ray has a capacity of more than 42.8 Gbit/s.

The system’s wireless data comes from a few central ‘light antennas’, which are able to precisely direct the rays of light supplied by an optical fiber. In antennas, a pair of gratings radiates light rays in different wavelengths with different angles. Scientists used a safe infrared wavelength in the system that does not reach the vulnerable retina in your eye.

When a user with smartphone or tablet moves out of the light antenna’s line of sight, then another light antenna takes over. By using the radio signal, the system tracks smartphone location. While doing this, there is no any interference from a neighboring Wi-Fi network.

As mentioned above, this new Wi-Fi system is based on harmless infrared rays. The rays have the frequencies i.e., thousands of times higher with wavelengths of 1500 nanometers or higher. That means the data capacity of light is much higher.

Scientists managed the connection speed of 42.8 Gbit/s over 2.5 meters distance range. While doing this, they even compared the best systems that gives a faster speed of 300 Mbit/s. Scientists found that this new system offering hundred times more speed than those 300 Mbit/s systems.

According to scientists, The technology will still take 5 years or more to be in our stores. They predominantly focusing on such technology for data transmission via detectable infrared light rays.

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