Communications Biology

Communications Biology

New low-cost blood test for brain cancer created

A new automated device that can diagnose glioblastoma, a fast-growing, incurable brain cancer, in under an hour.

Study reveals blind cavefish have extraordinary taste buds

Cavefish increase the number and location of taste buds - to the head and chin.

Children’s environment impacts blood metabolites

Environmental exposures and unhealthy habits can harm children's heart and metabolic health more than individually. A new University of Eastern Finland study highlights the...

New heart architecture research explains human evolution

Human left ventricular trabeculation diverges from other Hominidae.

Metabolism of autism reveals developmental origins

Findings suggest new possibilities for early autism detection.

Ketogenic diet shields early memory decline

Keto diet and BHB reverse memory loss in Alzheimer's mice.

Fermented foods boost brain growth

Fermentation technology & human brain expansion.

New evolution theory: Why animals shrink?

The study identified three distinct patterns of body-size change.

Using AI images to map visual brain functions

Understanding how vision is organized.

Scientists use AI to develop advanced gastric acid treatment

Creating new drugs with deep learning and gastric proton pump structures.

Brain changes from shift work and jet lag increase appetite

Altered feeding behavior due to circadian phase shifting of hormones.

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