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Webb Telescope captures the iconic Pillars of Creation

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has captured a lush, highly detailed landscape – the iconic Pillars of Creation – where new stars are...

Hot gas bubble detected swirling around galaxy’s central black hole

Astronomers detect hot gas bubble swirling around the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole

NOIRLab released a stunning image of the Lobster Nebula

Dark Energy Camera Captures Bright, Young Stars Blazing Inside Glowing Nebula

What makes the human brain different?

And what makes us human may also makes us susceptible to neuropsychiatric diseases.

‘Black hole police’ discovered a dormant black hole outside our galaxy

A team of international experts renowned for debunking several black hole discoveries, have found a stellar-mass black hole in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a...

Resident Humans and microbes adapt with each other inside homes

The presence of humans interacts with their microbial roommates, changing the home’s biology and chemistry.

Light can appear undistorted while traveling through a distorted medium

Light gets distorted if you pass light through an imperfect medium, such as the atmosphere. For instance, the shimmering mirage effect near hot roads...

Photon Storage in a Ground-State Vapor Cell Quantum Memory

Quantum network nodes with warm atoms

Finding extraterrestrial life forms with the help of ancient microbes

The relationship between life and the environment it inhabits holds many clues about how the planet became habitable over the years. Planetary habitability is...

Understanding changes in Earth’s outer core with the help of seismic waves

The composition of the bulk, the outer core of the Earth, is not pure iron but has a density deficit of about 5–10%, indicating...

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Spots Rocket Impact Site on Moon

Surprisingly the crater is actually two craters.