Washington State University

Plants can sense when something touches them and stops

Even without nerves, plants can sense when something touches them and when it lets go.

A highly effective non-hormonal male contraceptive

The study identifies this gene for the first time as being expressed only in testicular tissue.

Liquid nitrogen spray could clean up stubborn moon dust

It can remove almost all of the simulated moon dust from a space suit.

Parasite common in cats causes abortion in bighorn sheep

There is no treatment for the parasite.

Martian rock-metal composite demonstrates the possibility of 3D printing on Mars

A little Martian dust appears to go a long way.

When and where medium-sized black holes could form?

Astronomers identified the possible location of medium‑sized black holes.

New technique to see matter-wave caustics

Atom laser creates reflective patterns similar to light.

Human-made hexagonal diamonds are stiffer than the common cubic diamonds

Scientists created hexagonal diamonds large enough to measure their stiffness using sound waves.

New sodium-ion battery for large-scale energy storage

Lithium-ion batteries are composed of materials such as cobalt and lithium, which are rare and expensive. With the growing demand for electricity storage, these...

We are drinking lots of plastics

The widespread use and release of plastics in nature have raised global concerns about their impact on public health and the environment. The extensive...

Organic molecules discovered on Mars might be consistent with early life on Mars

The recent discovery of various classes of organic matter in Martian sediments by the Curiosity rover seems to suggest that indigenous organic compounds exist...

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