University of Queensland

Vitamin D deficiency affects dopaminergic neuron differentiation in schizophrenia

Vitamin D deficiency affects developing neurons in schizophrenia by using new technology.

Largest-ever genetic study revealed genetic regions associated with endometriosis

The study found new data about the variants that increase the risk of the disease.

How the brain’s recycling system breaks down in Parkinson’s Disease?

The discovery could change the focus of Parkinson’s Disease treatment.

Snakes can hear more than you think

Snakes can hear and react to airborne sounds.

Scientists discovered an active compound in mushrooms that boosts nerve growth

Mushrooms magnify memory by boosting nerve growth.

New magnetic method to remove PFAS chemicals from water

A simple, fast, and effective technique to remove PFAS chemicals from water.

Study uncovered the massive quantum mysteries of black holes

Uncovering the massive quantum mysteries of black holes.

Study offer insights into mysterious and potentially devastating kinds of astrophysical event

Tree rings offer insight into devastating radiation storms

Study found 12,000 genetic variants that influence a person’s height

Reaching new heights in largest ever genome study.

Study found how dinosaurs carried their enormous weight

Sauropods had feet similar to a modern-day elephant.

Children’s noses can better inhibit COVID-19

It’s a different ball game when it comes to the Omicron variant.

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