Homekarlsruhe Institute of Technology

karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Cooling, light-Transmissive, and glare-Free: the new material combines several unique properties.

New light-transmissive metamaterial cools rooms and self-cleans

Ashwini Sakharkar

Innovative material for sustainable buildings.

Cryogenic microwave setup used for quantum device measurements.
Quantum Computing

Josephson harmonics describe quantum bits more precisely

Ashwini Sakharkar

Josephson tunnel junctions are more complex than previously thought.


With light, diaper recycling is 200 times faster

Pranjal Malewar

Water and UV radiation rapidly and efficiently degrade crosslinked polymers of diaper liners without needing any chemicals.

KIT researchers and partners develop a concept for highly efficient photoreactor panels that will be inserted into inexpensive modules.

Low-cost photoreactor for making green chemicals and fuels

Ashwini Sakharkar

The concept ensures high photocatalytic efficiency throughout the day and year without sun tracking.

Image showing Nanomaterialien glass.
3D Printing

Glass 3D printing without sintering by using nanomaterials

Vidya Nagalwade

KIT developed process achieves high resolution in low temperatures for optics and semiconductors.

Recent Stories

Marvel and DC Movies: Trauma and character development

Social Science

Exploring the impact of kids’ images on social media

Social Science

Study unveils the unique nervous system of octopus arms


What drives aggressive bone cancer?


Unexpected magnetism in atomically thin material discovered and explained
