HomeUniversity of Rochester Medical Center

University of Rochester Medical Center

Cancer cells

How cancer weakens the immune system

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Cancer can weaken the immune system by transforming immune cells into ones that support tumor growth and helps in targeting weaker cells.

Mechanical engineering professor Douglas Kelley (left) and assistant professor Ting Du from the University of Rochester Medical Center’s Department of Neurology examine how cervical lymphatic vessels drain cerebrospinal fluid from the brain.

Rochester scientists restore the brain’s trash disposal system

Amit Malewar

Cleaning up the aging brain!

Doctor checking medical report of patient

Cancer affects aging, but studies on older adults are insufficient

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Insufficient research on cancer and aging has been uncovered.

Fatigued elderly woman tiredness breathlessness

Heart attack symptoms differ for women

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Signs of a heart attack in both men and women.

Neuronal and synapse activity Electrical impulses inside the human brain

Illuminating Oxygen’s journey in the brain through a new imaging method

Amit Malewar

Scientists can now monitor changes in oxygen concentration continuously and in a wide area of the brain.


Newly discovered anatomy shields and monitors brain

Amit Malewar

A previously unknown component of brain anatomy.

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