MIT chemists quickly calculate 3D genomic structures
It takes just a few minutes to predict how a specific DNA sequence will arrange itself in the cell nucleus.

Understanding the indoor training effect for AI agents
New training approach could help AI agents perform better in uncertain conditions

MIT turns mud into gold: Good old mud can lower building costs
Builders pour concrete into temporary molds called formwork.

Neuroscientist explores how neural circuits give rise to behavior
Modeling complex behavior with a simple organism.

Unexpected magnetism in atomically thin material discovered and explained
Work introduces new platform for studying quantum materials.

How does the brain form cohesive cognitive maps of whole spaces?
It requires a broader ensemble of cells, aided by sleep, over several days.

Capturing and recycling aluminum from manufacturing waste
A nanofiltration process that could make aluminum production more efficient.

How Prochlorococcus’ nightly cross-feeding regulates carbon in the ocean?
An abundant phytoplankton feeds a global network of marine microbes.

The origins of a fast radio burst
The fleeting cosmic firework likely emerged from the turbulent magnetosphere around a far-off neutron star.

Quantum geometry measured for the first time
Work opens new avenues for understanding, manipulating electrons in materials.

Boltz-1: A model to predict biomolecular structures
An equivalent alternative, to encourage innovation more broadly.

World’s first COF sensors: Detecting dehydration in plants
Sensors are capable of detecting pH changes in plant xylem.

New technique enables laser light to penetrate deeper into living tissue
New method could help biologists study the body's immune responses and develop new medicines.

Smallest asteroids ever detected in the main belt
The team’s detection method could aid in tracking potential asteroid impactors.

New biodegradable material to replace the plastic beads
MIT chemical engineers designed an environmentally friendly alternative to the microbeads.

New catalyst can convert methane into useful products
MIT chemical engineers have devised a way to capture methane.

A new photonic chip for ultrafast AI computations
This new device uses light to perform the key operations of a deep neural network on a chip.

MIT engineers look to manta rays to design better water filters
The filter feeder's unique mechanism could potentially revolutionize the design of industrial water filters.

Examining antigen architectures for better cancer immunotherapies
MIT researchers built a therapeutic cancer vaccine.

New electrode design makes converting CO2 into useful products more practical
A new electrode design boosts the efficiency of electrochemical reactions.

Exercise helps neurons to grow, study
The findings suggest that biochemical and physical effects of exercise could help heal nerves.

A handheld device gives surgeons a real-time view of breast cancer during surgery
The drug-device combination is poised to reduce repeat surgeries and ensure more complete tumor removal.

1st-ever’ black hole triple’ system found
System observed 8,000 light-years away may be the first direct evidence of “gentle” black hole formation.

Making high-resolution imaging more accessible
A new expansion technique to image nanoscale structures inside cells.

Remote brain stimulation with tiny magnetic discs
The devices could be a useful tool for biomedical research, and possible clinical use in the future.

MIT’s new desalination system runs with the rhythms of the sun
The desalination system doesn't need expensive energy storage for times without sunshine.

MIT’s Clio enables robots to quickly map task-relevant objects
Helping robots zero in on the objects that matter.