
Let’s rethink fatness, academic suggests

The Acceptance of fatness.

Poor health and stress in 20s harm cognition in 40s

Early adulthood CRP changes linked to midlife cognition.

Oxytocin may treat obesity and postnatal depression

Obesity and postpartum depression are linked to loss of TRPC5.

Biggest genetic study on girls’ puberty age links it to weight gain

Studying genetic complexity in puberty timing.

Is coffee good or bad for health?

Genome-wide studies of coffee intake in UK/US Europeans.

High-fat diets may increase anxiety levels

High-fat diets affect gut-brain signaling and induce anxiety in male rats.

Obese women as teens or young adults have a higher stroke risk by age 55

In contrast, men did not have the same increased ischemic stroke risk.

The effects of exercising during pregnancy on offspring’s health

Maternal obesity in mice increases microRNA levels in the hypothalamus in offspring, leading to overeating.

Technology alone can’t replace human coaching in obesity treatment

Technology alone resulted in worse weight loss compared to tech and a telehealth coach.

Scientists identified cell populations that could be key to treating obesity

New cells discovered in human omental adipose tissue inhibit fat cell formation.

Scientists found a protein that turns off brown fat activity

Can brown fat help in the fight against obesity?

The sharp increase in childhood obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic

BMI data from over 1 million children in England will cost society post-pandemic obesity rates.

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