Indian innovation

Popular rice variety gets extra gene power to fight bacterial attacks

Rice is considered essential for millions of Asians because of the immense influence on their culture, diets and economic condition and is the most...

Cigarette Butts could Soon Help in Road Construction

A cigarette as harmful for human health, it is also harmful to the environment. With huge amounts of cigarettes being bought, no doubt the...

Magic Fridge That Needs No Electricity & Minimizes Food Wastage Too

Indians waste as much food as the whole of United Kingdom consumes. No doubt, Food wastage is a disturbing issue in India. Our street and garbage...

Indian Researchers Develop a Wireless System To Aid Communication During Disasters

A team of scientists from six universities including IIT-Kharagpur and IIM-Calcutta have developed a low-cost and fast deployable wireless system to aid communication. The system will...

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