
First Water Detected on Planet in the Habitable Zone

The first successful atmospheric detection of an exoplanet orbiting in its star’s habitable zone, at a distance where water can exist in liquid form.

Hubble Showcases New Portrait of Jupiter

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope reveals the intricate, detailed beauty of Jupiter’s clouds in this new image taken on 27 June 2019. It features...

New Hubble constant measurement adds to mystery of universe’s expansion rate

In a new study, scientists announced a new measurement of the Hubble constant using a kind of star known as a red giant and indicated that the expansion rate for the nearby universe is just under 70 kilometers per second per megaparsec (km/sec/Mpc).

Hubble Captures Cosmic Fireworks in Ultraviolet

Hubble offers a special view of the double star system Eta Carinae’s expanding gases glowing in red, white, and blue. This is the highest...

Hubble Observes Creative Destruction as Galaxies Collide

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has taken a new look at the spectacular irregular galaxy NGC 4485, which has been warped and wound by...

2,65,000 galaxies in an extensive legacy field mosaic

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has recently captured an image of a legacy field, showing 2,65,000 galaxies, each at different stages in their life cycles,...

Assembling wide view of the evolving universe

Astronomers have put together the largest and most comprehensive "history book" of galaxies into one single image, using 16 years' worth of observations from...

Hubble captured a crowded cluster Messier 75

Recently, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera has captured the image of Messier 75, a sparkling burst of stars. Messier 75 is a...

Hubble measurements confirmed: Universe is outpacing all expectations of its expansion rate

The universe is expanding about 9% faster than expected based on its trajectory seen shortly after the big bang. This new revelation is made...

Hubble spotted a mysterious dark spot on Neptune

Since it’s a discovery in the mid-19th century, Neptune has consistently been a planet of mystery. As the farthest planet from our Sun, Neptune-...

Hubble & Gaia accurately weigh the Milky Way

The mass of the Milky Way is one of the most fundamental measurements astronomers can make about our galactic home. However, despite decades of...

Bubbles of brand new stars

This dazzling region of newly-forming stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) was captured by the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer instrument (MUSE) on ESO’s...

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