TOPICSHoney bee

Honey bee

Utah State University ecologist Joseph Wilson and colleagues report millions of bees die in vehicle collisions along Western U.S. highways.

Millions of bees are killed daily in vehicle collisions

Ashwini Sakharkar

Utah State University researcher says vehicles cause significant bee death.

Plos Bio Striking Image

Bees and wasps use similar architectural techniques to connect large hexagons to smaller ones


Despite different building materials and evolutionary histories, they converged on a similar design.

Image showing honeyguide-feeding-on-beeswax.

Birds and honey badgers may collaborate to steal bees in africa

Vidya Nagalwade

Honey badger and ant share rewards by ripping open their nest together.

Image showing honeybee

Honey bees use social signal learning to improve waggle dance

Pranjal Malewar

Young honey bees follow dances of older bees to improve performance.

A young bee emerges with deformed wings caused by the feeding of an infectious mite. Much focus has been on these symptomatic bees. However, mites regularly move from one adult bee to another to feed, leaving behind a population of symptomatic bees which can still develop high levels of virus.

Study suggests small numbers of mites can infect many honey bees

Editorial Team

Parasitic mites’ biting rate may drive transmission of Deformed wing virus in honey bees

Image showing honeybee

Insects can produce as much atmospheric electric charge as thunderstorm cloud

Pranjal Malewar

Insects contribute to atmospheric electricity.

Image showing honeybee

Honeybees follow a social distancing protocol to protect themselves against parasites

Amit Malewar

The study suggests a behavioral strategy in honey bees to limit intracolony parasite transmission.

Image of Nok terracotta figurines

Ancient pottery uncovers honey hunting in ancient West Africa

Pranjal Malewar

The first evidence for ancient honey hunting, locked inside pottery fragments from prehistoric West Africa, dating back some 3,500 years ago.

Honeybee venom found to kill aggressive breast cancer cells

Honeybee venom found to kill aggressive breast cancer cells

Pranjal Malewar

The venom is extremely potent.

Honey bee colonies are increasingly suffering from a viral disease

Honey bee colonies are increasingly suffering from a viral disease

Amit Malewar

A new study by Newcastle University, UK, suggests that Honey bee colonies from across the UK are suffering from a disease called chronic bee...

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