

Evidence of potential salt glaciers on planet Mercury

Unveiling mercury’s geological mysteries.

Hubble measured the size of the nearest Earth-sized exoplanet

This alignment, called a transit, opens the door to follow-on studies.

Hubble measures the size of the nearest Earth-sized exoplanet

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has measured the size of the nearest Earth-sized exoplanet that passes across the face of a neighbouring star. This...

Water vapor, sulfur dioxide, and sand clouds detected in the exoplanet’s atmosphere

These particles reside within a dynamic atmosphere that exhibits vigorous transport of material.

Incredible news! NASA’s Kepler discovered a system of seven scorching planets

Each one is bathed in more radiant heat from their host star per area.

Methane, Carbon Dioxide in K2-18 b’s Atmosphere: A Discovery by JWST

A new investigation by an international team of astronomers using data from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope into K2-18 b, an exoplanet 8.6...

A Neptune-sized planet denser than steel has been discovered

New giant planet evidence of possible planetary collisions.

The discovery of unusual exoplanets could offer a better understanding of planet formation

An unusual Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a low-mass star located in the Corvus constellation.

Evaporating planet getting the hiccups, sees Hubble

A young planet whirling around a petulant red dwarf star is changing in unpredictable ways orbit-by-orbit.

Astronomers discover striking evidence of ‘unusual’ stellar evolution

Magnetic activity plays key role in exoplanet habitability.

Astronomers have found an exoplanet that can match Venus’ shininess

Cheops shows scorching exoplanet acts like a mirror.

Multiple rock-forming elements detected in the scorching exoplanet’s atmosphere

Astronomers using the Gemini North telescope, one half of the International Gemini Observatory operated by NSF’s NOIRLab, have detected multiple rock-forming elements in the...

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