
Novel foldable pouch actuators improve soft rehabilitation glove design

A new design holds promise in clinical hand rehabilitation applications.

New battery design promises more energy and less environmental impact

It could significantly boost the range of electric vehicles.

Feng shui design: Enhancing hospital room benefits

Image-based online study shows no benefits, however, of virtual room designs incorporating the golden ratio.

UK to begin work on world’s largest telescope

The telescope will probe the furthest reaches of the cosmos.

New design for significantly more efficient solar cells

Decisive breakthrough for rapid energy transfer.

Hemispherical-shell-shaped solar cells harvest 66% more energy

The new solar cell design for absorption enhancement and improved angular coverage.

3D-printed reactor cores can boost solar fuel production efficiency

They can produce twice as much solar fuel with the same input of concentrated solar radiation.

Solar-powered bus stop reduces extreme heat by up to 20 degrees

It makes waiting times more comfortable and pleasant for the user during times of extreme heat.

Adding sugar significantly boosts flow battery capacity and longevity

Simple sugar boosts the peak power output of the battery by a remarkable 60%.

New computer memory could greatly improve performance and reduce energy use

It could both greatly reduce the energy demands of internet and communications technologies.

A self-charging electrical battery inspired by fish could help power space applications

Developing soft, self-charging, bio-inspired power sources for space applications.

Novel chemistry behind ultra-high power density batteries

It has potential to reach ultra-high power densities far beyond current lithium-ion technology.

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