

Billions of combined molecules yield new pharmaceutical substances

Pharmaceutical researchers usually find new active substances by searching through many chemical compounds.

Mosquitoes use body heat to sense humans

A mosquito bite is usually a minor nuisance, it can be serious in many places, Aedes aegypti mosquito spreads diseases like dengue.

Protecting beans from pests

Climate-resilient and nutritious long beans are vulnerable to aphids and nematodes. Scientists from the University of California-Riverside have created four new pest-resistant varieties to...

Eco-friendly method to make better, greener high-value chemicals

A significant breakthrough that could lead to better agricultural chemicals and everyday products.

New method offers promising solution to clean up forever chemicals

It offers a promising solution for treating perfluoroalkyl substances.

Study finds human skin absorbs forever chemicals

Dermal absorption of PFAS using 3D human skin models.

PFAS contamination in teas, processed meats, and packaging

Dietary intake and longitudinal measures of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

The unexpected role of dry-cleaning fluid in synthetic chemistry advancements

The path to upcycling perc and thus contribute to a more sustainable society.

Menstrual products contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals

Systematic review on chemicals in menstrual products.

“Forever Chemicals” in Yale study boost cancer cell migration

Research shows that PFOS and PFOA encourage colorectal cancer spheroid movement.

The dangers of mixing heat and haircare products

Siloxane exposure in buildings from hair care products.

Scientists use AI to develop advanced gastric acid treatment

Creating new drugs with deep learning and gastric proton pump structures.

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