
Different species may rely on the same neural network formation

Fly brain, mouse brain, worm brain: They all network the same.

Cannabis triggers hunger neurons in the brain

Cannabis sativa activates hunger neurons in the mediobasal hypothalamus.

Early mouse study shows Amnesia caused by head injury can be reversed

Memory loss attributed to head injury was not a permanent pathological event.

Could the “Feel Good” hormone explain exercise’s brain benefits?

Dopamine's role: Improved reaction time with cardio exercise.

Fast antidepressants and positive neuropsychological effects

Antidepressants swiftly alter emotional bias in rats, a new study shows.

Scientists developed ‘Mini Brains’ from human fetal brain tissue

A brand-new way of studying how the brain develops.

Ibogaine treats traumatic brain injury in military vets

Magnesium-Ibogaine treatment for veterans' brain injuries.

Early treatment can reverse nitrous oxide effects

Subacute combined degeneration: Nitrous oxide and gastritis.

Scientists find a protein that stabilizes mitochondria in ALS

VAP anchors mitochondria for local energy support during synaptic changes.

Increased dementia risk due to hearing loss

Using hearing aids may lower dementia risk in older adults with hearing loss.

Brain stimulation for increased hypnotizability

SHIFT: Stanford hypnosis with transcranial stimulation trial.

USC scientists develop model for cerebellum study

Human cerebellar organoids with functional Purkinje cells.

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