SOFIE: Bicycles Reacting to Speed for Stable Cycling

An electric bicycle that prevents elderly people from falling.


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A team of scientists, including the University of Twente, has developed an electric bicycle that prevents elderly people from falling. They dubbed this smart assistive bicycle as SOFIE. The cycle increases stability by, amongst others, drive-off assistance and by automatically lowering the saddle at low speeds.

Single-sided mischances of individuals tumbling from their bicycles are a typical explanation behind mishaps inactivity. Individuals tumble from their bicycles since they lose adjust, and with expanding age, there is a higher mishap chance. They are more anxious about falling, have a slower response time, and need to work harder to remunerate missing solidness at low speeds.

Because of a developing number of more seasoned individuals in the public arena, mischances will probably happen. The undertaking SOFIE built up a model of an electric bicycle that backs the soundness of the elderly or individuals with handicaps, particularly when driving moderately.

Difficulties in building up those bicycles are the real plan that should look decent and be agreeable, and all measurements ought to be like what individuals are utilized to from current bicycles.

Scientists compared possible cycling control strategies of older cyclists to those of younger cyclists in laboratory tests. Existing examination models of bicycle advancement figured the cycling individual as one mass. Yet, the individual properties of the cyclist decide the likelihood of tumbling from a bicycle.

They extended existing bicycle computer models with a realistic tire-road contact model and added the motions of the cyclist, like the steering movement, upper-body movement, and outward knee movements.

The low entry of the SOFIE bicycle improves the ease of getting on and off the bike, and an automatic saddle adjusts its height to the speed while driving. Also, drive-off assistance helps to get the speed and avoids slow cycling, and the limitation of maximum speed to 18 km/hour prevents falling.

The PC reenactment display brought about a few plan recommendations for a more steady bicycle outline. The blend of the more extreme head edge at the directing hub and the smaller, haggled, shorter wheelbase makes the bike more steady at low speeds. The PC display makes it simpler to judge the solidness of bike plans.

According to Bulsink, “The bike has not been taken into production yet. The consortium contacted several manufacturers with their design. They are interested, but so far none of has decided to produce it. I am convinced that this design can prevent a lot of elderly people from falling.”

