Snowflakes in space?

Hubble Catches Cosmic Snowflakes.


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NGC 6441 is a 13-billion-year-old collection of galaxies existing in the southern constellation of Scorpius. It lies some 44,000 light-years away from Earth and 13,000 light-years from the heart of the Milky Way.

Like snowflakes, recently, Hubble captured the stars of the NGC 6441 shining peacefully in the night sky. It can also be dubbed as Cosmic snowflakes. Like snowflakes, the exact number of stars in such a cluster is difficult to perceive.

It is estimated that together the stars have 1.6 million times the mass of the Sun, making NGC 6441 one of the most massive and luminous globular clusters in the Milky Way.

Hubble’s dense composite image is formed using a range of filtered pictures of different wavelengths captured by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) and Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), all drawn from the ultraviolet and optical bands of the full spectrum. Colors depicted are portrayed by assigning various hues to each monochromatic image snapped using individual filters.

