New study demonstrates how bone size, shape and structure contributes towards arthritis and other musculoskeletal diseases

How the size, shape, and structure of bones and joints contribute towards the development of common age-related diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis will be investigated by an international research team.


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Musculoskeletal disorders are the main source of handicap in the UK’s rising maturing populace, basically because of low back torment, breaks, and maladies, for example, osteoarthritis. The aggregate cost of joint substitution and hip crack surgery is moving toward £9.5bn every year and speaks to a noteworthy weight on society and the NHS.

The University of Bristol is planned to decrease the effect of this normal musculoskeletal issue by giving a premise to enhanced methods for malady forecast, aversion, and treatment.

Utilizing a blend of sweeps and hereditary information from around 100,000 40-to-69-year-old men and ladies who were selected to the UK biobank examine, the group will investigate how the size, shape, and structure of hips, knees, and spines add to the improvement of cracks, osteoarthritis, and back torment. The discoveries will then be utilized to create novel systems for distinguishing those in danger, moderating infection movement and treating those with a setup ailment.

Jon Tobias, Professor of Rheumatology at Bristol Medical School, stated: “The sheer size of UK Biobank regarding the quantity of members included and point by point measure of data gathered speaks to a special asset for the universal research group.”

“This examination will help us to understand the capability of UK Biobank for understanding the reasons for basic ailments and diminishing their effect on wellbeing, through examination of the part of size, shape, and structure of bones and joints in the advancement of regular musculoskeletal conditions.”

The study, led by Jon Tobias, Professor of Rheumatology at Bristol Medical School, will involve a collaboration between researchers from Bristol, Manchester, Southampton, Aberdeen, Cardiff and Queensland universities.

