New Advanced Organic Material for Ultra-Stable, High Capacity Rechargeable Batteries

Developing eco-friendly, high capacity rechargeable batteries with long life cycles.


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Rechargeable batteries are key storage part in many large-scale battery components. For example, autonomous cars, renewable energy sources etc. With increasing demand for energy storage, scientists are finding various sustainable and eco-friendly ways to produce them.

The most common way involves making use of organic materials as electrodes. Such electrodes cut environmental effects during production and disposal. Their structure also offers high energy storage capabilities. But, when they are used in rechargeable batteries, they offer low electrical conductivity. They also face instant energy loss after multiple charging-discharging cycles.

To overcome this issue, scientists at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have recently cultivated an advanced organic material with superior electrical conductivity for high-capacity rechargeable batteries.

They named this advanced organic material as 3Q i.e., π-conjugated quinoxaline-based heteroaromatic molecule.

New Advanced Organic Material for Ultra-Stable, High Capacity Rechargeable Batteries
The crystal structure for single-crystalline 3Q, a novel organic material developed by Professor Loh Kian Ping and his team at National University of Singapore. Credit: National University of Singapore

When combined it with graphene and used in an ether-based electrolyte, the material showed high electrical conductivity of 395 milliampere hour per gram. It also delivers strong energy storage capability after multiple cycles of charge and discharge.

Professor Loh Kian Ping said, “Our study provides evidence that 3Q, and organic molecules of similar structures, in combination with graphene, are promising candidates for the development of eco-friendly, high capacity rechargeable batteries with long life cycles.”

This invention paves the way for the development of ultra-stable, high-capacity, and environmentally friendly rechargeable batteries.
