Nature Genetics

Nature Genetics

34 new genetic conditions discovered

Rare diseases require expert care and detailed genetic tests. The TRANSLATE NAMSE project, which started in late 2017, aims to improve care with modern...

Biggest genetic study on girls’ puberty age links it to weight gain

Studying genetic complexity in puberty timing.

Scientists identified genes that drive age-related blood cell mutations

New research identifies a larger pool of genes involved in clonal haematopoiesis.

Targeting tired immune cells to prevent breast cancer

Mapping cellular shifts in the adult human breast.

Innovative tool enhances disease-causing gene discovery

Enhanced gene discovery with genetic confounder adjustment.

Preventing coronary artery disease through gene discoveries

Genome-wide study uncovers coronary artery calcification insights.

Genetic study links blood sugar and type 2 diabetes treatment

Diabetes pathophysiology and treatment: A genetic perspective.

Early detection test for acute myeloid leukemia risk by scientists

Multiparameter approach for predicting risk of myeloid neoplasia.

The largest-ever study of the genetics of the brain

Study identifies how the brain is organized.

DNA discovery reveals how we maintain healthy blood sugar levels after meals

Treatments for type 2 diabetes may be developed in the future.

Identifying the cause of mysterious heart disease in women

Researchers are investigating the genetics of spontaneous coronary artery dissection.

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