Is Eating Chocolate Every Day Good For You?

Research indicates that some types of chocolate may protect both body and brain.


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Everyone loves eating chocolate. We love chocolate primarily because it tastes so good. Every time we taste chocolate, it is a wonderful memory for us. Although no doubts, Chocolate satisfies our innate preference for sweets and fat. The chocolate contains almost 300 ingredients that help explain why we crave it.

The cocoa beans from which chocolate made are themselves sweet. Although, there are not so many studies done on the health benefits of cocoa that have come to the same conclusion. The phytochemicals (plant chemicals) in cocoa known as flavonol are good for your health and, in particular, your heart.

According to a study, cocoa flavonol could also be good for your brain. And, more specifically, flavonol protect the areas of your brain responsible for working memory, attention, mental processing speed and general cognition.

Eating chocolate every day may decrease your risk of stroke. One study found that those who eat moderate chocolate every day were 22 percent less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate no chocolate.

In addition, moderate amounts of chocolate seem to lower blood pressure. The pressure reduction was considered one cause of the reduced heart-failure risk. It helps keep blood flowing normally, reduce clotting and improve blood pressure. All of these heart and circulatory benefits could increase blood flow to the brain. It is also possible that flavonol has a direct effect on brain signals protecting against cognitive decline.

Usually, dark chocolate and cocoa powder contain a significantly higher amount of flavonol than milk chocolate. White chocolate contains none at all. Studies that measured and compared a number of flavonol in different types of chocolate found a range of approximately 94 to 650 mg in 3 ½-ounce samples of dark chocolate, compared to 41 mg in the same amount of milk chocolate. Means, the higher the percentage of cacao in a dark chocolate bar, the higher the flavanol content.

In addition, it is also essential to consider the fat and calorie content of chocolate in the context of the rest of your diet. If your diet is already high in fat and calories, the potential benefits of eating chocolate every day may not outweigh the risks for you.

