Daily weighing may be key to losing weight

Daily weighing may help with weight loss goals.


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A new study to be presented in Chicago at the American Heart Association‘s Scientific Sessions 2018, daily weighing can help you lose weight. Individuals who don’t weigh themselves at all or once in a while were less likely to lose weight than the individuals who weigh themselves regularly.

Analysts inspected oneself weighing patterns of 1,042 adults (78 percent male, 90 percent white, normal age 47) and whether there were contrasts in weight change by these self-weighing patterns more than a year.

They examined remotely transmitted self-gauging information from Health eHeart, a progressing forthcoming e-cohort study. The members weighed themselves at home as they ordinarily would, without intercessions, direction or weight reduction motivators from specialists.

Scientists identified several categories of self-weighing adults, from those that weighed themselves daily or almost daily to adults who never used at-home scales.

Individuals who never weighed themselves or just weighed once seven days did not get thinner in the next year. Those that weighed themselves six to seven times each week had a huge weight reduction (1.7 percent) in a year.

However, the study supports the central role of self-monitoring in changing behavior and increasing success in an attempt to better manage weight.

Note: Scientific presentation is 11:30 a.m. CT, Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018.

Yaguang Zheng, Ph.D., M.S.N., R.N., University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh, PA

