HomeOhio State University

Ohio State University

inner membrane of mitochondria

Mitochondrial-targeted gene therapy for treating cancer

Ashwini Sakharkar

Light-induced gene therapy disables cancer cells' energy center.


Novel method to make PVC products more durable

Ashwini Sakharkar

New method may mean less microplastic pollution.

emotionally resilient

Fathers with low incomes are emotionally resilient

Pranjal Malewar

New fathers who faced economic hardships remained deeply connected to their children.

person holding cigarette

The latest nicotine risk for Gen Z

Dr. Prajakta Banik

College students find nicotine pouches easy to use discreetly at work or in class, as they don't require spitting like older tobacco products.

Doctors monitoring the patient's pulse

Novel AI tool can predict a patient’s sepsis risk within hours

Ashwini Sakharkar

The proposed model's features are based on clinician feedback.

women doing Yoga on rock.

Deep breaths: Essential for anger management

Dr. Prajakta Banik

A study on anger control activities: What makes anger rise or fall?

geysers emitting smoke against blue sky

New carbon capture method powered by clean, geothermal energy

Ashwini Sakharkar

A climate-friendly way to capture carbon dioxide in the air.

Young people comforting their upset friend at home

Teens with more siblings face mental health challenges

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Teens' mental health and sibling count: Insights from U.S. and China

Medium shot family with flasks

Holiday health challenges uncovered in OSU survey

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Americans' holiday struggle with health habits.

A woman is scratching a red blistered arm

Harnessing a parasite’s power to halt pain

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Leishmania mexicana induces metabolomic shifts to reduce pain in skin lesions.

Image showing The study findings suggest that when the proteins don’t bind properly, signaling among neurons, illustrated above, becomes imbalanced, which can lead to related negative behavioral symptoms.

Unexpected link between schizophrenia risk proteins

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Controlling fast-spiking neurons: Cytoskeleton-membrane interaction.

Spacetime warping Cosmic and futuristic digital illustration

A powerful physics phenomenon demonstrated

Amit Malewar

Study hints at new way to improve on spintronics for future tech.

Image showing white tailed deer

COVID-19 virus is evolving rapidly in white-tailed deer

Pranjal Malewar

Study finds deer are virus reservoirs, promoting ongoing mutation.

Using existing bus-mounted cameras to monitor traffic conditions.

Using existing bus-mounted cameras to monitor traffic conditions

Ashwini Sakharkar

Study taps into AI to improve future road planning.

Image showing star

Astronomers discover striking evidence of ‘unusual’ stellar evolution

Pranjal Malewar

Magnetic activity plays key role in exoplanet habitability.

3D model to find that house cats’ noses

Domestic cats’ noses function similarly to parallel coiled gas chromatographs


Parallels between cat noses and gas chromatography provide new insights into mammalian evolution.

Image showing Loss of the Y chromosome.

Y chromosome loss linked to increased cancer risk in men

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Y chromosome loss helps cancer cells evade the immune system.

Image showing close up female pours drops in red eye.

A new study finds eye drops can slow nearsightedness progression in children

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Eye drops show promise in slowing nearsightedness progression in children.

Image showing a student walking

Decision-making capabilities of college students- negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Pranjal Malewar

Evidence of ‘pandemic brain’ in college students.

Milky Way's center

Galactic bubbles are more complex than imagined

Amit Malewar

Fresh look at old data reveals novel details about galactic formation.

Image showing couple taking selfie.
Social Science

Why do people include themselves in photos

Vidya Nagalwade

Some selfies can help capture the meaning of an event.

Image showing mushroom.

The potential of fungal genetics in the development of innovative biotechnologies

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Fungal Biotechnology: A Historical Perspective and Future Outlook.

Image showing experiments in a chemistry lab

Scientists uncover a key chemical structure in pigment molecule

Amit Malewar

Newly revealed properties of melanin ‘ingredient’ could advance bioelectronics.

Image showing dementia

Machine learning models rank predictive risks for Alzheimer’s disease

Pranjal Malewar

Study suggests genetic risk outweighs age in adults over 65.

complex molecule moves

How complex molecule moves iron through the body?

Pranjal Malewar

Research could lead to a better understanding of human disease.

Image showing stars

116,000 new variable stars identified

Pranjal Malewar

A new technique locates stellar objects that change brightness.

Image showing a dog
Social Science

Exposure to new things makes people ‘ready to learn’

Pranjal Malewar

Latent learning occurs without any explicit teaching.

Image showing confident woman

Dominant or upright postures can help people feel confident

Pranjal Malewar

If you stand like Superman or Wonder Woman, would you feel stronger?

Image showing universe

The universe is getting hotter, study

Amit Malewar

The temperature has increased about 10-fold over the last 10 billion years.

Image showing cells

A 40-year-old problem in cell biology solved: How do cells eat?

Pranjal Malewar

The study answers long-standing questions about how cells "eat" substances around them.

Recent Stories

Neolithic people sacrificed unique ‘suns stones’ due to a volcanic eruption


Astronomers solve Sulfur mystery with Ammonium Hydrosulfide salt


A copper catalyst can efficiently convert carbon dioxide into acetaldehyde


Not all Hot Jupiters orbit alone


The long-term benefits of girls’ education

Social Science