
Looking for life beyond Earth? Venus as a potential habitat

Earth-like but incapable of hosting life.

Pluto is now ‘official state planet’ for Arizona, study

For Arizona, the downgrade of classification didn't mean a downgrade of importance.

JWST identified neon signs that offer clues to planet formation

Using the noble gases neon and argon.

Study suggests that the earth may have once been flat

Did young planets just get smartie-er?

Study of exoplanets: Neptune-like exoplanets can be cloudy or clear

New findings suggest the reason why.

Hubble Telescope detects water vapour in the atmosphere of smallest exoplanet GJ 9827d

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have made a groundbreaking discovery in their search for exoplanets. For the first time, they have detected...

Astronomers see the early evolution of planetary disk structures for the 1st time

Planet formation may occur much more rapidly than previously thought.

Astronomers detected three iron rings in a planet-forming disk

A three-ringed structure in the nursery of planets.

International team of astronomers observe changing weather patterns on exoplanet

An international team of astronomers has assembled and reprocessed observations of the exoplanet WASP-121 b that were collected with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope...

Saturn’s Ring Spokes: A Hubble Telescope Image

This is a photo of Saturn captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope on October 22, 2023. The planet was about 1365 million kilometers...

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