TOPICSImmune system

Immune system

Immunology research finds new Immune disease target

PI3Kγ deficiency causes immunodeficiency and tissue damage.

Earliest life ancestor insights from a recent study

Impact of the last universal common ancestor on early Earth.

Exploring host-microbe relationships in vector-borne Diseases

Atlas of human-vector microbe interactions sheds light on pathogenicity.

Scientists create mouse model with human immune system

Humanized mouse exhibits advanced antibody responses.

Why can zebrafish heal heart damage, unlike other fish?

Single-cell profiling identifies unique aspects of regenerating hearts.

Microrobots deliver cancer drugs to lung tumors in mice

Biohybrid microrobots target lung tumors with drug-filled nanoparticles.

Metabolism of autism reveals developmental origins

Findings suggest new possibilities for early autism detection.

Promising breakthrough: Reversing autoimmune hair loss with novel treatment

This treatment allowed hair to regrow and dramatically reduced inflammation.

Scientists identified some proteins that protect against antimicrobial peptides

The proteins that shield the body against its own immune attacks.

Targeting various COVID variants by altering spike protein structure

Versatile antiviral nanoparticles, effective across SARS-CoV-2 variants.

Gut bacteria essential for conquering milk allergy

Gut bacteria and compounds in poop are connected to long-lasting relief in kids with milk allergies treated with oral therapy.

Gut bacteria shape the newborn immune system with neurotransmitters

Gut bacteria-produced serotonin encourages immune tolerance in infancy.

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