Cardiovascular Disease

AI predicts heart disease risk using a single x-ray

A potential solution for population-based opportunistic screening of cardiovascular disease risk.

Night owls are more susceptible to diabetes and heart disease

Those who stay up later have a reduced ability to use fat for energy.

Cannabis prescribed for pain linked with an elevated risk of heart problems

There may be a previously unreported risk of arrhythmias following medical cannabis use.

Performing routine activities can significantly benefit cardiovascular health

Running or brisk walking is not the only way to reduce the risk of heart disease.

A daily dose of yogurt could be the next go-to food for managing high blood pressure

The study examined the associations between yogurt intake, blood pressure, and cardiovascular risk factors.

Plastics can increase the risk of human cardiovascular disease

The study finds a receptor greatly contributes to the harmful effects of plastic-associated chemicals.

Vitamin K enriched diet lower risk of cardiovascular disease

Growing evidence of Vitamin K value for heart health.

Neurofeedback: Enabling ADHD patients to train their attention

Managing attention deficit disorder by training the brain.

Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are associated with increased risks of stroke

The associations were independent of preterm birth and fetal growth restriction.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits linked to high risk of cardiovascular disease in autistic people

Autistic people have far greater risks of long-term physical health conditions than others.

People taking dummy pills and statins experienced similar side effects, study

Doctors should inform patients of the nocebo effect when prescribing statins.

Women’s expected longevity is associated with maternal age at birth of last-child

The study looks at leukocyte telomere length to link reproductive history and long-term health.

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