
Tree rings hide secrets about the most significant solar storm in history

Tracing the largest solar storm in modern times from tree rings in Lapland.

Unveiling the path to creating super-diamond

The significance is twofold.

Study explains how soil traps carbon

New findings explain how soil sequesters plant-based carbon from the atmosphere.

OSIRIS-REx: NASA showed off the asteroid material for the first time

The OSIRIS-REx sample is the biggest carbon-rich asteroid sample ever delivered to Earth.

How capturing carbon in savannas can reduce global warming?

Grasses play an important role in capturing carbon in tropical savannas.

Harvest fresh water with innovative technologies & nature inspiration

Researcher finds inspiration from spider webs and beetles to harvest fresh water from thin air.

An energy-efficient method for capturing and converting carbon dioxide

Capture carbon dioxide with MIT's electrochemical device for renewable electricity.

Balancing Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Food: A Trifecta

Scientists identify ways landowners in rural Brazil can find win-win situations, with biodiversity and farming.

Making cities greener not only captures carbon but also reduces carbon emissions

How cities can orchestrate a wide range of green solutions?

Arctic soil methane consumption increases in a drier climate

Well-drained soils remove methane from the atmosphere.

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