
Astronomers image the massive object at the center of the Messier 87 (M87) galaxy

Astronomers image magnetic fields at the edge of M87’s black hole.

Astronomers captured images of the cosmic web for the first time

First images of the cosmic web reveal a myriad of unsuspected dwarf galaxies.

Astronomers directly measured winds in Jupiter’s middle atmosphere

Powerful stratospheric winds measured on Jupiter for the first time.

Scientists determined the origin of interstellar object Oumuamua

The study set out to explain the odd features of ‘Oumuamua.

What can gravitational waves reveal about dark matter?

Scientists of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence analyze data from the gravitational wave observatory NANOGrav.

Study offers some captivating results about the interstellar medium

The study shed light on the study of the interstellar medium.

Astronomers reported the mass segregation results of 35 Galactic Globular Clusters

Scientists explored mass segregation of galaxy globular clusters.

A moving supermassive black hole discovered

Blackhole on the move.

Evidence for an extraordinarily long jet of particles from a supermassive black hole

Gigantic jet spied from the black hole in the early universe.

Scientists located the source of hazardous high-energy particles in the sun

The study also confirms that the plasma is held down in the Sun's atmosphere by strong magnetic fields.

Water may be present during the very formation of a planet

The Milky Way may be swarming with planets with oceans and continents like here on Earth.

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