TOPICSAntimicrobial Peptides

Antimicrobial Peptides

Pseudomonas Evolution

Mixing antimicrobial peptides can slow antibiotic resistance


Pseudomonas exposed to mixtures instead of single peptides did not gain resistance.

Image showing bacteria.

Peptides target key enzymes in bacterial biofilms

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Peptide disrupts biofilm formation by targeting a key enzyme.

Fruit flies with mutated antimicrobial peptides (red eyes) let bacteria (green) grow out of control, while normal flies suppress the infection. Credit: Mark Austin Hanson, EPFL

CRISPR reveals the secret life of antimicrobial peptides

Amit Malewar

Antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPs) are a diverse class of naturally occurring molecules that are produced as a first line of defense by all...

MIT researchers have discovered that peptides normally secreted by cells that line the stomach have previously unknown antimicrobial activity

Biological engineers discover new antibiotic candidates

Pranjal Malewar

Scientists at MIT and the University of Naples Federico II have discovered parts of the protein pepsinogen, a catalyst used to digest food in the stomach,...

antimicrobial peptides

Artificial antimicrobial peptides could help overcome drug-resistant bacteria

Amit Malewar

Antimicrobial peptides execute organisms in a wide range of ways. They enter microbial cells by harming their films, and once inside, they can upset...

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